ISSN:2320-9151 Impact Factor:5.4

IEEESEM - Call for Research Papers 2024

International European Extended Enablement in Science, Engineering & Management (IEEESEM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal organization & research platform that meets high quality standards by exercising peer review and editorial quality control. Our journal encourages open access and universally accessible online journal. IEEESEM covers the publication of research articles from all areas of science, art, technology and management.

All original research papers published by IEEESEM are made freely accessible online with full text immediately upon publication. Authors publishing with IEEESEM retain the copyright to their work but only transferring the publication rights to IEEESEM which allows article to be published and cited without any restriction. All published research papers are indexed and archived in different open and paid platforms.

Call for Paper 2024

> Online Submission - Click here to submit !!!

Paper Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2024

Current Edition - Vol 12, Issue 10, October 2024

Now providing EOI (Electronic Object Identifier) for all published papers.

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