ISSN:2320-9151 Impact Factor:3.5

Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2022 Edition - IEEE-SEM Journal Publication

Performance & Quality of Adaptive Learning Systems SurveyPDF

Abdelsalam Helmy Ibrahim, Mohamed Hamdy El Eliemy, Aliaa Abdelhalim Youssef

Adaptive Learning Systems (ALSs) provide an efficient, effective and customized learning experience for learners by dynamically adapting learning content to suit their individual abilities or preferences. The enhancements and improvements in adaptive learning systems need to be optimized on its utilization based on using the cloud computing architecture and its Microservices technology by functions as a services platform. The survey of the previous work mentioned that no new technology used to face the modern progressive development of informational technologies in ALS, which require computation of a very high order, analyzing enormous amounts of data in real time, scalability of the system to provide the processing, loading, distribution of these data. In this paper, Microservice & functions as a services architecture are presented, also the serverless platform, Virtualization platform, and finally the results and conclusions are discussed.


maria riasat

Digital image processing deals with the manipulation of digital images through a digital computer. It is a subfield of signals and systems but focuses particularly on images. DIP focuses on developing a computer system that can perform processing on an image. The input of that system is a digital image and the system process that image using efficient algorithms and gives an image as an output. The most common example is Adobe Photoshop. It is one of the widely used applications for processing digital images. The image processing techniques play a vital role in image Acquisition, image pre-processing, Clustering, Segmentation, and Classification techniques with different kinds of images such as Fruits, Medical, Vehicle, and Digital text images, etc. In this study, the various images remove unwanted noise and performance enhancement techniques such as contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization.


Rikka Bianca Condes, Ma. Theodora Cabasan

Brain-based learning (BBL) uses several teaching strategies that use information on how naturally the brain learns. It is a teaching approach that based its instructional strategies and methods on the function and structure of the brain. The study aims to determine and compare the effects of brain-based learning (BBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL) approach to learning HOTS on grade 11 STEM students in Non-Mendelian genetics. This study determined whether there was a significant difference in the pre-test, post-test and gain score performance of the BBL group and LBL group. A revised and validated questionnaire was used to compare their performances. A quasi-experimental and quantitative research design was used. Quasi-experimental was used to describe the Pretest-Posttest Control Group design. The result of the experiment showed that the pre-test performance of BBL and LBL group were not significantly different indicating comparable prior knowledge of the two groups. Pre-test and post-test performance showed that there was a significant increase in both of the performances of the group. However, the post-test performance in the BBL group was significantly higher than the LBL group. The BBL group gained higher scores than the LBL group. The students who were taught using the brain-based learning (BBL)approach significantly performed better in terms of learning higher-order thinking skills compared to the students who were taught using the lecture-based learning approach. The BBL approach could significantly improve students’ skills in analysing and evaluating problems on non-Mendelian Genetics.

Aviation Suppliers Evaluate the Impact of SARS COV-2 that has Lasted Two YearsPDF

Meghana Dyapa

COVID 19 brought the most profound crisis to the economy globally. After the vaccines were invented, operations slowly got normal. Currently, Airbus consignments are at their highest; Boeing 737 Max planes have started flying again; airport terminals in the United States are packed; Mediterranean beaches are once again busy. How aerospace suppliers got recovered from the pandemic blow will be discussed in the following sections.


Olayinka Funmi, BABATUNDE; Gbenga Samson, FAYIGBE; Veronica Abiola, Ayo-Ogunlusi

Most organizations across the world are facing numerous challenges created by COVID-19 and one of the most significant challenges is the increased uncertainty among most organizations most especially concerning human resource control and maintaining a higher customer base through marketing. The study investigated the effects of Covid 19 pandemic on human resources management and its implications on organizational performance of office managers in Ekiti State. The researcher used survey design of the descriptive type of research for the study, the research instrument used for this study was a self-structured closed ended questionnaire designed by the researchers. Inferential statistics of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Chi-Square was used to test the hypotheses postulated at 0.05 level of significance. Based on the findings from this study, the researcher concluded that human resources management has relationship with organizational performance, it was also concluded that Covid 19 pandemic has an effect on human resources managers. Covid 19 pandemic also have positive and negative implications on organizational performance. Virtual office and online marketing was recommended to further alleviate the complications of Covid 19 pandemic on organizational performance.


Triyas Vinandita, Endang Yuniastuti, Samanhudi

Rambutan is one of the native plants of Indonesia that has good adaptation and abundant fruit production. The use of rambutan so far has only been limited to fruit flesh, while rambutan seeds have only become waste that requires special handling. Rambutan seeds are food waste containing relatively high fat content ranging from 17-39% which can be used as a biodiesel additive. Efforts are being made to be able to take advantage of rambutan seeds, namely by identifying the nutritional content of rambutan seeds. The aims of this study is to identify the nutritional content of rambutan seeds so that they can be used as an information basis for the initiation of biodiesel. The research was conducted in September-Desember 2020 at the Center for Seeds fo Food Crops and Horticulture (B2TPH), Karanganyar regency using a direct survey and descriptive method. Seed proximate analysis was carried out at the Food and Nutrition Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University. Determination of water content using the Thermogravimetric method, mineral content using the Dry method, fat content using the Soxhlet method, protein content using the Kjeldahl method, and carbohydrate content using the By different method. The result showed that rambutan seeds contain nutrients such as water, minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The highest fat content was found in rapiah variety which was 24,15% and the lowest was in lebak bulus variety which only had 18,7% fat content. The fat content is high so that can be used as an environmentally friendly fuel (biodiesel).