ISSN:2320-9151 Impact Factor:3.5

Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2023 Edition - IEEE-SEM Journal Publication

Soil Quality and Sustainable Land Management: A ReviewPDF

Faisah D. Hadji Jalal

Soil quality is the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation. Ideal soils for agriculture are balanced in contributions from mineral components (sand: 0.05–2 mm, silt: 0.002–0.05 mm, clay: <0.002 mm), soil organic matter (SOM), air, and water. However, land use type and agricultural management can be considered as the major factors that affect soil quality as a result of the change it brings on the soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties (Caravaca et al. 2002). These changed properties, in turn, affect land productivity.

Signal Processing For Medical Diagnostic EquipmentPDF

Tungalag Myangad

Since Mongolia is not a manufacturer of medical equipment, it has to be dependent on import of diagnostic equipment. Though these are highly expensive equipment yet there is no quality and compatibility assurance. For this reason, it is essential for the healthcare industry to develop optimal methods and methodologies, working standards and special requirements that can be used to control the utilization of Organization. From among the medical diagnostic the equipment and its availability for diagnostic analysis. In order to provide normal technical functioning and keep the metrological indicators of the diagnostic equipment within appropriate limits for the purpose of getting the right provisions of the diagnostic accuracy, the technical preparedness of the equipment should be regularly monitored for a certain period before conducting diagnosis. This should be done in accordance with related laws and regulations developed by the International Metrology equipment, authors have chosen Electrocardiogram as a subject of this research work and studied how to resolve the issue of express investigation of the equipment, readiness for the diagnosis.


onochie ugo natcino,Prof Olumide Owolabi,Dr Aminat Ajibola

The idea behind format preserving encryption is to create a layer of acceptance to merge the analogue way of understanding information decryption from the Modern digital encryption. This is to marry the legacy with the transient technology. Format preserving encryption in simple terms means let a sent message get to destination exactly the way it was video graphic presentations VGA it is said to have lost a generation when the input message is inferior to the output message. The typical format preserving encryption, the algorithms play different roles and are padded with some enhancing algorithms NIST FPE contains 3 fiester of algorithms ff1, ff2, ff3. The three algorithms work together to produce accurate plaintext to ciphertext, encryption to decryption especially from analogue to IP based comm equipment. The concatenation methodology gave us the design and platform to run delay digit and delay seconds on the same system. Concatenation has the ability to integrate the instrumental aspect of the algorithm to function alongside other silent components of the algorithms We will analyses data directly culled from NIST site for delay in format preserving encryption. the challenge has been the effect of padding and truncation in the format preserving encryption model algorithms. The plaintext may finally make a ciphertext, but the challenge is the delay n= t. time of processing from analogue to transient, we have a typical analysis of duration SC in seconds and output quality time represented also in seconds(HQ) Our attention is on tpdfhe SC and HQ of the FPE Graph analysis; the blue and brown threads practically had no significant difference from the first delay to the 4th delay. At some point on the 5th delay, NIST FFP was doing better than the concatenated derivation. FFP processed in 1.3 seconds while PDIA processed in 1.5 seconds in the 5th delay which was going to defeat the research and effort FFP processed in 2.5 seconds in the 8th delay while PDIA



Lightning frequently damages people and properties. A lightning protection system protects the region, including homes and farms, against lightning. This research looked into the frequency of deadly lightning strikes in rural areas across the country. Farmers, cattle grazers, and workers have been the most common casualties, as they reside in disadvantaged locations where people are most vulnerable to the catalytic elements of lightning. The researchers designed a cheaper yet safe lightning protection system. Similar to the conventional type, it has exposed lightning masts or rods at construction sites' highest altitudes that are linked to a grounding system by descending conductors. It began with the lightning protection system prototype that was tested at Boso Boso, Antipolo City after it was constructed. The lightning rods and wires selected for the experiment were able to conduct electricity with low impedance or resistance, making them suitable for protection. The copper rod's tip is buried two feet in clay soil, which provides sufficient grounding. The multimeter measured current calculations in each circuit component and resistances in each. The researchers calculated and measured 33 1/3 A and 3.125 ohms for the lightning protection system at 220 volts. Results show that a basic, low-cost lightning rod can provide lightning protection. They also discovered that the output produces a safe power conduit that does not affect the environment, and may be utilized to minimize the number of deaths caused by lightning strikes in particular regions. Moreover, the design, safety, materials, and utility were all evaluated as excellent. Hence, this low-cost lightning protection system should be implemented in communities susceptible to lightning.

Street Light Charging SystemPDF


Today, people use their mobile phones for a wide range of activities. With only a touch, almost everything can be accomplished with technology, including bill payment, online shopping, and financial services. Also, one can talk to their loved ones by phone or text while listening to music. Unfortunately, mobile phone batteries lose power over time. When the battery on the device runs out, the problem begins, particularly during a crisis or storm. The researchers created the Street Light Charging System, an off-grid solar-powered streetlight with a built-in mobile phone charging station. The researchers tested the charging station for 24 hours while testing the light for 12 hours at night. According to the study, a solar-powered device will still have power after 24 hours of use if it receives 5 hours of peak sunlight to fully charge its battery. The study's findings indicate that the device will help the community charge their cell phones outside their homes. Having recharging stations helps the city since it keeps its people connected when outside their homes.