ISSN:2320-9151 Impact Factor:3.5

Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition - IEEE-SEM Journal Publication


Stanley U. Nnorom Department of Educational Management and Policy Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra State. Email: & Ezenwagu, Stephen Department of Educational Management and Policy Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra

The study investigated security management practices in the 21st century for improved university administration in Nigeria. Safety and security must be front of mind for university and college administrators. Protecting the wellbeing of students, staff, faculty, and guests is not only simply the right thing to do, but it also reduces risk and exposure for the institution itself. Institutions that worth respect and continual existence, place high value on the safety of her people and their property. This is applicable to every social organization or institution like University where security is attracting serious public attention. It is so in realization of the positive impacts security plays in school administration. University violence which occurs in many forms such as cultism, fighting, Abduction, usually leaves temporary or permanent marks on the perpetrators and schools setting. It disrupts/truncates the cherished programmes and projects of the citadel of learning and makes the actualization of vital goals for which it is being established very difficult. This insecurity situation poses a challenge to the University Administrators. Hence this paper looked at some of the security management practices in the University for improved University administration.

Radiological safety is a growing concern: An inclusive review is done giving emphasis on commonly performed radiological examinations in Bangladesh.PDF

M. Haider1, A.Aktar2, R.A. Amiree3, Y.N.Jolly4

Abstract Based on the importance of radiological examinations, the number of diagnostic x-ray facilities is expanding every year all around the country but not simultaneously radiation safety framework is becoming developed convincingly according to national standards. The present study has been carried out underlying the analysis of safety infrastructure to pinpoint structural weaknesses and substantiate the implementation of regulatory standards. To perform precise analysis various radiation safety aspects including structural shielding conditions, radiation dose rate at different points, machines quality and operators’ skill have been investigated comprehensively. In order to investigate radiation safety aspects in the far reaching areas in Bangladesh, the current study randomly selected 17 diagnostic x-ray facilities of two remote districts namely Jessore and Cox’s Bazar. There are 09 most widely performed radiological examinations such as Chest x-ray, Lumbar Spine, Kidney,ureter and bladder( KUB), Hand, Thoracic, Skull, Neck, Knee and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) have been considered in the study to analyze radiation levels. During this study, radiation dose rates at different locations of inertest were measured using GM tube-type dosimeter calibrated against gamma ray. In the x-ray facilities of Jessore district maximum dose rate at entrance door (ED) were recorded 70µSv/h which is significantly higher than the public exposure limit and at the same facilities occupational workers were also exposed to higher dose level than their permissible limit. On the other side, the radiation protection aspects of x-ray facilities of Cox’s Bazar district were found comparatively below standard for both public and occupational workers with respect to Jessore district. In most of the facilities of the district public received a radiation dose level which is by no means acceptable in the light of radiation safety matter. Keywords: Radiation Safety, Radiological examinations, GM tube, Permissible dose limit, National standard, Radiation dose rate.

Development of Cosmetic Products for Eyebrow Fertilization (with parameters of length, weight and diameter by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) Combinations of Garlic oil(Alium sativum.l) with Candlenut oil(Aleurites molucanna)PDF

Misde Yola, Agung Wibowo, Shelly Thaurhesia

Candlenuts and Garlic are plants that have an effect on the growth of hair. Chemical contained in the plant is rich in nutrients needed for hair or eyebrow growth such as alkaloids, saponins, sterols / terpenoids. Efficacy of candlenut oil and garlic oil with three concentrations of 1000 ppm, 500 ppm and 100 ppm tested its activity as fertilizer of rabbit fur by applying candlenuts oil and garlic oil each of approximately 1 ml at spot prepared twice daily for 28 days.Activities of candlenut oil and garlic oil are measured by measuring the length, weight and diameter of the calyx hairs. The result of the third activity test of this concentration tested the data with statistics and got the most optimum result as grower of rabbit fur is candlenuts oil with the concentration of 1000 ppm with the average growth of length for 28 days is 0,6250 cm and garlic oil with concentration 500 ppm with the average length of growth for 28 days is 0.8417 cm, while for the most optimum rabbit fur weights are with garlic concentration of 1000 ppm with an average weight of 28 days is 0.3627 g, while the growth of rabbit fur weight most optimum for 28 days is candlenut 1000 ppm with average weight for 28 days = 0.3518 g result of significant analysis at (p≤0,05). The results of the most optimum analysis combined to see the synergy between the two types of oil. The most significant efficacy of candlenut oil and garlic oil combined was the combination with the ratio of candlenuts oil and garlic is 1: 1 with concentration (200: 200) ppm. The optimum combination of garlic oil and candlenut oil is formulated into 3% eyebrow fertilizer preparations. Eyebrow fertilizer inventory tested its activities for 28 days to 30 participants. Eyebrow fertilizer activity is measured in length, weight and diameter using SEM. The results were analyzed by statistics to obtain the result that the average growth of eyebrow length for 28 days was 0,619 cm and the growth of eyebrow weight for 28 days was in diameter of 64,93μm(before) and 69,76μm(after). The purpose of this study was to find out whether garlic oil and candlenuts oil had the activity as fertilizer of eyebrows, and whether the combination of candlenuts oil with garlic oil can have a synergistic effect as an eyebrow fertilizer. The emulgel dosage formulation is determined by calculating the length, weight and diameter of the human brow. The results show that the emulgel is brownish-black, no phase separation, and homogeneous physically. Physical stability test results show stable emulgel preparation at low temperature, room temperature and high temperature. The most potential effect on rabbit hair growth is a combination of candlenut oil and garlic oil on a (200: 200) ppm ratio of 3% in the preparation.



The main thrust of this paper is to examine radio theatre and it's role in community education especially in the area of agricultural education. It argues that if used in an effective and holistic manner, radio theatre can be one of the most effective strategies for promoting development among a hugely illiterate population. Ultimately, the paper looks at how radio drama was utilized by CEC/ IFPREB in collaboration with the Theatre Arts Department of Benue State University Makurdi, to dessiminate agricultural information to local farmers in Benue state regarding the protection of their crops from yam beetles and how to treat and manage the health of their animals. The paper submits among others that; despite the popularity of the plays, the program lacked the component of 'local listening clubs' in the research communities which would have given target audience - farmers in the rural areas the opportunity to collectively analyze, discuss and clarify issues with experts and extension workers on the field regarding issues raised in the plays. The paper concludes that, radio drama has become an imperative tool in providing accurate, up to date information to illiterate, peasant poor farmers in Nigeria in a bid to boost agricultural production, provide food security and enhance economic growth.

Test automation in microservice architecturePDF

Nikolay Raychev

This is a short review article on how we tested Filipo's monolithic application and what has changed with the transition to microservice architecture. Containers and microservices are becoming increasingly popular, providing additional capabilities. But like any other new technology, they put new challenges on developers. The proposed methodology is systematized as sequence of actions and flexible, therefore it is easy to understand and use. Optional performance of some activities, such as defining non-functional tests, allows the test process to focus on the specific needs of the user and performing step-by-step testing. The proposed methodology can be used by different specialists for different test purposes. Another advantage of the proposed methodology is that it uses a small set of test artifacts. When implementing full coverage tests based on the methodology, it is possible to achieve a high level of automation, where it is necessary to ensure only the tested business process.


Dr. Sudhir Kumar

The unplanned and unscientific quarrying activities in the Shimla district give rise to unstable condition of slopes, recurring creep, landslides, vegetation depletion, health and environmental problems. Evidences indicate that quarrying is performed mainly for construction purposes. An attempt has been made to study the environment impact of quarrying in Shimla district. A number of quarrying sites have been identified in Shimla district. An increase in population of the study district has enhanced the quarrying activities. The field investigations and analysis of data indicate that environmental conditions, terrain and vegetation have been affected adversely due to quarrying operation along with the health of human being working there. Key Words: unplanned, quarrying, landslides, environment.

Light Therapy for Bi-Polar PatientsPDF

Pashtana Banayee, Lecturer Kabul University of Medical Sciences (KUMS Abu Ali Abn Sina), Wais Alemi Former Student Umass Lowell

The development of light therapy in psychiatry is closely intertwined with the original description of the syndrome of seasonal affective disorder. Two decades ago, Rosenthal and colleagues described a series of patients with histories of recurrent depressions that developed in the fall or winter and spontaneously remitted during the following spring or summer. Their initial report also included preliminary findings indicating that bright artificial light, administered in a manner that would in essence extend the photoperiod, was more effective than dim light in treating seasonal affective disorder. The article presented an underlying hypothesis about the pathophysiology of the syndrome (i.e., depressogenic effects of melatonin), which in turn shaped the selection of treatment parameters: the intensity, duration, and timing of bright light exposure were designed to suppress the release of melatonin and lengthen the photoperiod.

Turbidity CoefficientPDF

Wais Alemi Former Student Umass Lowell, Pashtana Banayee Kabul University of Medical Sciences (KUMS, Abu Ali Ibn Sina)

This paper intents to study the Angstrom Coefficient from data measured by stations and compare that with the NREL modeled data to find utility of the Angstrom coefficient in measuring attenuation of solar radiation. First, The Coefficient and Angstrom constant was calculated using empirical equations and measured data. Second, results was studied and Coefficient’s utility as measure of attenuation of solar radiation and other patterns was found out. And finally, this will be evaluated against the modeled data from NREL. The variation in Turbidity is a factor in attenuation of the radiation. From the study it was found out that solar irradiation is highly dependent on the Turbidity coefficient. The variations observed in the plotted data is well inline with the irradiance measured for the two locations under consideration in this study. The results varied from the modeled data considerably, but the trend of fluctuation in the plots were similar due to reasons not fully established under this study.

Assessment of Hydropower Potential using SWAT modeling and Spatial Technology in the Seti Gandaki River, Kaski, NepalPDF

Nisha Pokharel, Keshav Basnet, Bikash Sherchan, Divakar Thapaliya

The surprising difference in elevation present within a small width, no doubt gives enough head for hydropower generation in most of the rivers of Nepal. The hydropower potential of any river can be assessed by realistic, up to date and useful information from recent advances in remote sensing, geographic information system and hydrological modelling [1]. This research aims for the assessment of the RoR hydropower potential using spatial technology and SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) modeling in Seti Gandaki River, Kaski, Nepal. The DEM, daily precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature data, discharge records, land use and soil data were used for the SWAT model setup and simulation. The model was calibrated (2000-2010) and validated (2011-2015) with model performance of 0.85 R2, 0.85 ENS and 2.19 % PBAIS. One hundred seventy-one potential hydropower locations were identified that fulfilled the criterions of sufficient head (determined from DEM processing and analysis) and sufficient discharge. Then, validated SWAT model was used to simulate the river flow discharge at the potential hydropower points. The final potential locations were compared with the existing and under construction DoED (Department of Electricity Development) hydropower projects running along the Seti River for validity check. A total potential of 529.97 MW was obtained at 40 % exceedance in the Seti Gandaki River. Economic, environmental and social sustainability of each location were also examined. The study revealed that the hydropower potential of a river basin can be correctly assessed by employing a digital elevation model, stream network data and a hydrological model, such as the SWAT model, within a GIS framework.


G. Hariraj, K. M. A. Kadhar, K. Geetanjali, Subhas. V. Naik

Imparting bulkiness in raw silk by chemical treatment has been established by research studies carried out by CSTRI. Soft silk fabrics are extensively used for the production of dress materials and soft sarees. The perennial problem in soft silk fabrics is the wrinkle resistance and drape ability. CSTRI has developed new technology for the production of wrinkle resistant and high drape degummed soft silk fabrics using chemical treatment. For this purpose using Box and Behnken design of experiment, standardization of chemical concentration, treatment temperature and duration for degummed soft silk fabrics have been carried out with 20 combinations. The soft silk fabrics have been analysed for various fabric characteristics viz., crease recovery, drape coefficient, bending and tensile characteristics. Based on the studies it could be found that chemical treatments of soft silk fabrics significantly influence the fabrics quality characteristics particularly wrinkle resistance and drapeability. The results were analyzed for response optimization and observed that chemical concentration of 6% in association with treatment temperature of 75ºC for 3 minutes treatment duration has been found suitable for soft silk fabrics of 55 GSM to improve the characteristics of the fabrics viz., drapeability and crease resistance compared to untreated fabrics.

Wireless Network Sensors Applications and Challenges in a Real-Life EnvironmentPDF

Muhammad Junaid

Wireless sensor network is authentic, cheap, reliable and suitable way to monitor and observe different and divergent types of physical domains. Now a days, a demand for scalable communication networks is increasing so the entities can be observed based on physical nature and environmental condition. Wireless sensor networks are very promoting in nature because of its precise sensing, cheap induction, and its flexible nature in sensor position. These wireless sensor networks assist for data collection and wirelessly collaboration between devices. These sensors technology gives the advantage of accessibility and convince as they are small and cheap and exert for analysis in several applications. But still these sensors are not perfect, they still need a lot of improvement for data and signal transmission, data routing and processing. Since WSN are only competent of constrained and limited transmission range, storage space and processing. In this paper we’ll discuss some issues that needs to improve in order to make efficient transmission and other related aspects. We’ll also discuss some applications that are used in real life environment. In the end we’ll give some solutions that will help to solve our discussed issues. Keywords— Wireless Sensor Network, Applications of WSN, WSN, Issues, Challenges, Solutions

Managing District Administration Through Elected Leadership: Assessment of Local Govt. Ordinance 2001 in Punjab.PDF

Ahmad Osama

This paper has attempted to briefly analyze the local government ordinance 2001 in Punjab. The paper explained the comparison between bureaucratic administration and elected leadership governance. The explanatory approach has been used for descriptive method. International organization finding provided evidence that is helpful to reach conclusion. Why this system lost its bindings after end of the term? Local government systems did not exist permanently in Pakistan, Local government systems came with Military rulers.

The Effects of Stem Centre Education on Students’ Attitude towards Science, Mathematics, Technology, and EngineeringPDF

Misganaw Mintesnot

This study was conducted to find out the effects of STEM centre education on grade 11 students’ attitude towards science, mathematics, technology and engineering. In the study, 44 students within the STEM centre (treated group) were compared with 67 students out of the STEM centre (untreated group in public school). This paper applies both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The data was collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and the data from questionnaires were analysed using mean, percentage and chi-square with an Integrated Statistical Software Package (STATA) version 14.2. The findings of chi-square and mean values indicated that students in STEM centre were significantly good participants in science and mathematics subjects, had better attitude and confidence in doing activities related to science, mathematics, technology and engineering. In addition, the study proved that the treated students were interested in the occupations related to engineering and technology than untreated students. The interview results also supported the above findings. Students in the STEM centre stated that the program is effective in their learning and helps them to develop their skills, increases their interest in the profession of science, mathematics, technology and engineering. This implies that STEM centre education affects students’ attitude positively. Thus, the study recommended that STEM centre education must be promoted in developing countries like Ethiopia to increase students’ attitude in STEM-related careers.